Making a game is a lot of work.

For the better part of 2023, I took a hiatus from working on Crownless. In the past few weeks, I’ve been getting back into it. I’m still only working on it ~15 minutes at a time in my free time, so progress isn’t fast. Here’s where it is right now:

  • The closed beta on the Google Play Store has been updated to version 0.4, which includes Act 1 and Act 2 of the game.

  • The game engine is 100% done, as is the infrastructure to port it to Android. I haven’t started the iOS port yet.

  • The content and assets are now about 50% done, and I am working on Act 3 (of 4 total). Originally, I had planned 5 acts, but I am cutting one of them out.

  • There are 31 rooms in the game right now, out of a total of maybe 50. There are 24 different kinds of enemies right now, and 2 boss fights (out of 4 total).